Category:Freak Out! (The List)

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The Freak Out! list. Click for larger versions

In the liner notes of *Freak Out! before a list of names it says:

"These People Have Contributed Materially in Many Ways to Make Our Music What it is. Please Do Not Hold it Against them."

Zappa later elaborated:

"That whole Freak Out! album is to be as accessible as possible to the people who wanted to take the time to make it accessible. That list of names in there, if anybody were to research it, it would probably help them a great deal." - Frank Zappa interview with Frank Kofsky in Jazz & Pop, 1967

Knowing who these people are/were is one thing; knowing what they meant to FZ is something completely different. They can be divided into several categories (and many had their name misspelled...):

This leaves another bunch of unknown, thus "un-identified" people (although there are some clues to some of them, perhaps): Jerry Allberg (probably "Ullberg"), The Bokelmans, Leonard Gorczyca, Carol, Cordy, Daddy-o Curtis Crump, George Di Carl, Donna No 1 ("Donna #1"), Donna No 2 ("Donna #2"), Shirley Eiler, Evy, Floyd, Carl Greenhouse, Jeff Harris, The Hypnotist, Lyn Johnson, Joyce, Joe Polly, Lance Reardon, Lillian Rudolph, Ruthie, Steffie, Lee Zugon.

Related pages: "We're Only In It For the Money (The List)", "One Size Fits All (The List), "The Real Frank Zappa Book (The List)", "Them Or Us (The List)", "Tinsel Town Rebellion (The List)", PMRC (The List).

Pages in category "Freak Out! (The List)"

The following 171 pages are in this category, out of 171 total.