The Moon
Revision as of 18:03, 12 October 2021 by Jason.Kreitzer (talk | contribs)
References to the moon:
- Cheepnis: "and the flaps on the side of the moon"
- Concentration Moon
- Honey Don't You Want A Man Like Me: "The moon was dim. The band was tight."
- Hunchentoot: "this here moon is property of the US government"
- I Don't Even Care: "The cow used to jump over the moon".
- A Kayak (On Snow): "The moon was shining..."
- Montana: "in the moon-lighty night"
- Keith Moon
- Sun Myung Moon
- The Moon Will Never Be The Same
- The Moonlighters
- Penguin In Bondage: "Howlin' over to some Antarcticulated moon"
- Plastic People: "we see a neon moon above"
- Spider Of Destiny: "... for the conquest of Earth and the moon and the stars"
- Titties 'n Beer: "There was no moon in sight"
- Moon Zappa
- A moon can be seen on the back cover of One Size Fits All.
- A smiling moon can be seen on the back cover of The Man From Utopia, enjoying Zappa's concert.