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== Lyrics ==
=== Freak Out! Version ===
Well I'm about to get sick<br />
From watchin' my TV<br />
Been checkin' out the news<br />
Until my eyeballs fail to see<br />
I mean to say that every day<br />
Is just another rotten mess<br />
And when it's gonna change, my friend<br />
Is anybody's guess<br />
So I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'<br />
Hopin' for the best<br />
===Freak Out! Version===
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br />
Well I'm about to get sick<br>
Every time I hear 'em sayin'<br />
From watchin' my TV<br>
That there's no way to delay<br />
Been checkin' out the news<br>
That trouble comin' every day<br />
Until my eyeballs fail to see<br>
No way to delay<br />
I mean to say that every day<br>
That trouble comin' every day<br />
Is just another rotten mess<br>
And when it's gonna change, my friend<br>
Is anybody's guess<br>
Wednesday I watched the riot . . .<br />
So I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'<br>
Seen the cops out on the street<br />
Hopin' for the best<br>
Watched 'em throwin' rocks and stuff<br />
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br>
And chokin' in the heat<br />
Every time I hear 'em sayin'<br>
Listened to reports<br />
That there's no way to delay<br>
About the whisky passin' 'round<br />
That trouble comin' every day<br>
Seen the smoke and fire<br />
No way to delay<br>
And the market burnin' down<br />
That trouble comin' every day<br>
Watched while everybody<br />
On his street would take a turn<br />
To stomp and smash and bash and crash<br />
And slash and bust and burn<br />
And I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'<br />
Wednesday I watched the riot . . .<br>
Hopin' for the best<br />
Seen the cops out on the street<br>
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br />
Watched 'em throwin' rocks and stuff<br>
Every time I hear 'em sayin'<br />
And chokin' in the heat<br>
That there's no way to delay<br />
Listened to reports<br>
That trouble comin' every day<br />
About the whisky passin' 'round<br>
No way to delay<br />
Seen the smoke and fire<br>
That trouble comin' every day<br />
And the market burnin' down<br>
Watched while everybody<br>
On his street would take a turn<br>
To stomp and smash and bash and crash<br>
And slash and bust and burn<br>
Well, you can cool it,<br />
And I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'<br>
You can heat it . . .<br />
Hopin' for the best<br>
'Cause, baby, I don't need it . . .<br />
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br>
Take your TV tube and eat it<br />
Every time I hear 'em sayin'<br>
'N all that phony stuff on sports<br />
That there's no way to delay<br>
'N all the unconfirmed reports<br />
That trouble comin' every day<br>
You know I watched that rotten box<br />
No way to delay<br>
Until my head begin to hurt<br />
That trouble comin' every day<br>
From checkin' out the way<br />
The newsman say they get the dirt<br />
Before the guys on channel so-and-so<br />
And further they assert<br />
Well, you can cool it,<br>
That any show they'll interrupt<br />
You can heat it . . .<br>
To bring you news if it comes up<br />
'Cause, baby, I don't need it . . .<br>
They say that if the place blows up<br />
Take your TV tube and eat it<br>
They will be the first to tell,<br />
'N all that phony stuff on sports<br>
Because the boys they got downtown<br />
'N all the unconfirmed reports<br>
Are workin' hard and doin' swell,<br />
You know I watched that rotten box<br>
And if anybody gets the news<br />
Until my head begin to hurt<br>
Before it hits the street,<br />
From checkin' out the way<br>
They say that no one blabs it faster<br />
The newsman say they get the dirt<br>
Their coverage can't be beat
Before the guys on channel so-and-so<br>
And if another woman driver<br />
And further they assert<br>
Gets machine-gunned from her seat<br />
That any show they'll interrupt<br>
They'll send some joker with a brownie<br />
To bring you news if it comes up<br>
And you'll see it all complete
They say that if the place blows up<br>
They will be the first to tell,<br>
Because the boys they got downtown<br>
Are workin' hard and doin' swell,<br>
And if anybody gets the news<br>
Before it hits the street,<br>
They say that no one blabs it faster<br>
Their coverage can't be beat<br>
So I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'<br />
And if another woman driver<br>
Hopin' for the best<br />
Gets machine-gunned from her seat<br>
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br />
They'll send some joker with a brownie<br>
Every time I hear 'em sayin'<br />
And you'll see it all complete<br>
That there's no way to delay<br />
That trouble comin' every day<br />
So I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'<br>
No way to delay<br />
Hopin' for the best<br>
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br>
Every time I hear 'em sayin'<br>
That there's no way to delay<br>
That trouble comin' every day<br>
No way to delay<br>
That trouble comin' every day
That trouble comin' every day
Hey, you know something people?<br />
Hey, you know something people?<br>
I'm not black<br />
I'm not black<br>
But there's a whole lots a times<br />
But there's a whole lots a times<br>
I wish I could say I'm not white
I wish I could say I'm not white<br>
Well, I seen the fires burnin'<br />
Well, I seen the fires burnin'<br>
And the local people turnin'<br />
And the local people turnin'<br>
On the merchants and the shops<br />
On the merchants and the shops<br>
Who used to sell their brooms and mops<br />
Who used to sell their brooms and mops<br>
And every other household item<br />
And every other household item<br>
Watched the mob just turn and bite 'em<br />
Watched the mob just turn and bite 'em<br>
And they say it served 'em right<br />
And they say it served 'em right<br>
Because a few of them are white,<br />
Because a few of them are white,<br>
And it's the same across the nation<br />
And it's the same across the nation<br>
Black and white discrimination<br />
Black and white discrimination<br>
Yellin' "You can't understand me!"<br />
Yellin' "You can't understand me!"<br>
'N all that other jazz they hand me<br />
'N all that other jazz they hand me<br>
In the papers and TV and<br />
In the papers and TV and<br>
All that mass stupidity<br />
All that mass stupidity<br>
That seems to grow more every day<br />
That seems to grow more every day<br>
Each time you hear some nitwit say<br />
Each time you hear some nitwit say<br>
He wants to go and do you in<br />
He wants to go and do you in<br>
Because the color of your skin<br />
Because the color of your skin<br>
Just don't appeal to him<br />
Just don't appeal to him<br>
(No matter if it's black or white)<br />
(No matter if it's black or white)<br>
Because he's out for blood tonight
Because he's out for blood tonight<br>
=== YCDTOSA 5 Version ===
You know we got to sit around at home<br>
Well I'm about to get sick<br />
And watch this thing begin<br>
From watchin' my TV<br />
But I bet there won't be many live<br>
Been checkin' out the news<br />
To see it really end<br>
Until my eyeballs fail to see<br />
'Cause the fire in the street<br>
I mean to say that every day<br />
Ain't like the fire in the heart<br>
Is just another rotten mess<br />
And in the eyes of all these people<br>
And when it's gonna change, my friend<br />
Don't you know that this could start<br>
Is anybody's guess<br />
On any street in any town<br>
In any state if any clown<br>
Decides that now's the time to fight<br>
For some ideal he thinks is right<br>
And if a million more agree<br>
There ain't no Great Society<br>
As it applies to you and me<br>
Our country isn't free<br>
And the law refuses to see<br>
If all that you can ever be<br>
Is just a lousy janitor<br>
Unless your uncle owns a store<br>
You know that five in every four<br>
Just won't amount to nothin' more<br>
Gonna watch the rats go across the floor<br>
And make up songs about being poor<br>
So I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'<br />
Blow your harmonica, son!
Hopin' for the best<br />
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br />
Every time I hear 'em sayin'<br />
That there's no way to delay<br />
That trouble comin' every day<br />
No way to delay<br />
That trouble comin' every day<br />
Wednesday I watched the riot . . .<br />
===YCDTOSA 5 Version===
I seen the cops out on the street<br />
Well I'm about to get sick<br>
Watched 'em throwin' rocks and stuff<br />
From watchin' my TV<br>
And chokin' in the heat<br />
Been checkin' out the news<br>
Listened to reports<br />
Until my eyeballs fail to see<br>
About the whisky passin' 'round<br />
I mean to say that every day<br>
Seen the smoke and fire<br />
Is just another rotten mess<br>
And the market burnin' down<br />
And when it's gonna change, my friend<br>
Watched while everybody<br />
Is anybody's guess<br>
On his street would take a turn<br />
To stomp and smash and bash and crash<br />
And slash and bust and burn<br />
And I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'<br />
So I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'<br>
Hopin' for the best<br />
Hopin' for the best<br>
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br />
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br>
Every time I hear 'em sayin'<br />
Every time I hear 'em sayin'<br>
That there's no way to delay<br />
That there's no way to delay<br>
That trouble comin' every day<br />
That trouble comin' every day<br>
No way to delay<br />
No way to delay<br>
That trouble comin' every day<br />
That trouble comin' every day<br>
You can cool it,<br />
Wednesday I watched the riot . . .<br>
You can heat it . . .<br />
I seen the cops out on the street<br>
'Cause, baby, I don't need it . . .<br />
Watched 'em throwin' rocks and stuff<br>
Take your TV tube and eat it<br />
And chokin' in the heat<br>
'N all that phony stuff on sports<br />
Listened to reports<br>
'N all those unconfirmed reports<br />
About the whisky passin' 'round<br>
You know I watched that rotten box<br />
Seen the smoke and fire<br>
Until my head begin to hurt<br />
And the market burnin' down<br>
From checkin' out the way<br />
Watched while everybody<br>
The newsman say they get the dirt<br />
On his street would take a turn<br>
Before the guys on channel so-and-so<br />
To stomp and smash and bash and crash<br>
And slash and bust and burn<br>
And further they assert<br />
And I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'<br>
That any show they'll interrupt<br />
Hopin' for the best<br>
To bring you news if it comes up<br />
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br>
They say that if the place blows up<br />
Every time I hear 'em sayin'<br>
They will be the first to tell,<br />
That there's no way to delay<br>
Because the boys they got downtown<br />
That trouble comin' every day<br>
Are workin' hard and doin' swell,<br />
No way to delay<br>
And if anybody gets the news<br />
That trouble comin' every day<br>
Before it hits the street,<br />
They say that no one blabs it faster<br />
Their coverage can't be beat
And if another woman driver<br />
You can cool it,<br>
Gets machine-gunned from her seat<br />
You can heat it . . .<br>
They'll send some joker with a brownie<br />
'Cause, baby, I don't need it . . .<br>
And you'll see it all complete
Take your TV tube and eat it<br>
'N all that phony stuff on sports<br>
'N all those unconfirmed reports<br>
You know I watched that rotten box<br>
Until my head begin to hurt<br>
From checkin' out the way<br>
The newsman say they get the dirt<br>
Before the guys on channel so-and-so<br>
So I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'<br />
And further they assert<br>
Hopin' for the best<br />
That any show they'll interrupt<br>
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br />
To bring you news if it comes up<br>
Every time I hear 'em sayin'<br />
They say that if the place blows up<br>
That there's no way to delay<br />
They will be the first to tell,<br>
That trouble comin' every day<br />
Because the boys they got downtown<br>
No way to delay<br />
Are workin' hard and doin' swell,<br>
That trouble comin' every day
And if anybody gets the news<br>
Before it hits the street,<br>
They say that no one blabs it faster<br>
Their coverage can't be beat<br>
And if another woman driver<br>
Gets machine-gunned from her seat<br>
They'll send some joker with a brownie<br>
And you'll see it all complete<br>
So I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'<br>
Hopin' for the best<br>
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br>
Every time I hear 'em sayin'<br>
That there's no way to delay<br>
That trouble comin' every day<br>
No way to delay<br>
That trouble comin' every day<br>
Well, I seen the fires burnin'<br />
Well, I seen the fires burnin'<br>
And the local people turnin'<br />
And the local people turnin'<br>
On the merchants and the shops<br />
On the merchants and the shops<br>
Who used to sell their brooms and mops<br />
Who used to sell their brooms and mops<br>
And every other household item<br />
And every other household item<br>
Watched the mob just turn and bite 'em<br />
Watched the mob just turn and bite 'em<br>
And they say it served 'em right<br />
And they say it served 'em right<br>
Because a few of them were white,<br />
Because a few of them were white,<br>
And it's the same across the nation<br />
And it's the same across the nation<br>
Black and white discrimination<br />
Black and white discrimination<br>
Yellin' "You can't understand me!"<br />
Yellin' "You can't understand me!"<br>
'N all that other crap they hand me<br />
'N all that other crap they hand me<br>
In the papers and TV and<br />
In the papers and TV and<br>
All that mass stupidity<br />
All that mass stupidity<br>
That seems to grow more every day<br />
That seems to grow more every day<br>
Each time you hear some asshole say<br />
Each time you hear some asshole say<br>
He wants to go and do you in<br />
He wants to go and do you in<br>
Because the color of your skin<br />
Because the color of your skin<br>
Just don't appeal to him<br />
Just don't appeal to him<br>
(No matter if it's black or white)<br />
(No matter if it's black or white)<br>
Because he's out for blood tonight
Because he's out for blood tonight<br>
=== Roxy & Elsewhere Version ===
===Roxy & Elsewhere Version===
Well I'm about to get sick<br />
Well I'm about to get sick<br>
From watchin' my TV<br />
From watchin' my TV<br>
Been checkin' out the news<br />
Been checkin' out the news<br>
Till my eyeballs fail to see<br />
Till my eyeballs fail to see<br>
I mean to say that every day<br />
I mean to say that every day<br>
Is just another rotten mess<br />
Is just another rotten mess<br>
(Sure 'nuff!)<br />
(Sure 'nuff!)<br>
And when it's gonna change, my friend<br />
And when it's gonna change, my friend<br>
Is anybody's guess (Well!) (Woa!)<br />
Is anybody's guess (Well!) (Woa!)<br>
So I'm<br />
So I'm<br>
Watchin' and I'm a--waitin'<br />
Watchin' and I'm a--waitin'<br>
I'm hopin' for the best<br />
I'm hopin' for the best<br>
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br />
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br>
Every time I hear 'em sayin'<br />
Every time I hear 'em sayin'<br>
There's no way to delay<br />
There's no way to delay<br>
That trouble comin' every day<br />
That trouble comin' every day<br>
There's no way to delay<br />
There's no way to delay<br>
That trouble comin' every day
That trouble comin' every day<br>
Wednesday I watched the riot<br />
Wednesday I watched the riot<br>
I seen the cops out on the street<br />
I seen the cops out on the street<br>
I watched 'em throwin' rocks & stuff & chokin'<br />
I watched 'em throwin' rocks & stuff & chokin'<br>
In the heat<br />
In the heat<br>
I listen to reports<br />
I listen to reports<br>
'Bout the whisky passin' around<br />
'Bout the whisky passin' around<br>
I seen the smoke & fire<br />
I seen the smoke & fire<br>
And the market burnin' down<br />
And the market burnin' down<br>
I watched while everybody<br />
I watched while everybody<br>
On his street would take a turn<br />
On his street would take a turn<br>
To stomp & smash & bash & crash & slash & bust & burn<br />
To stomp & smash & bash & crash & slash & bust & burn<br>
I'm a--watchin' and I'm a--waitin'<br />
I'm a--watchin' and I'm a--waitin'<br>
But I'm hopin' for the best<br />
But I'm hopin' for the best<br>
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br />
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br>
Every time I hear 'em sayin'<br />
Every time I hear 'em sayin'<br>
There's no way to delay<br />
There's no way to delay<br>
That trouble comin' every day<br />
That trouble comin' every day<br>
There's no way to delay<br />
There's no way to delay<br>
That trouble comin' every day
That trouble comin' every day<br>
Watchin' and I'm a--waitin'<br />
Watchin' and I'm a--waitin'<br>
I'm hopin' for the best<br />
I'm hopin' for the best<br>
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br />
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br>
Every time I hear 'em sayin', oh, yeah...
Every time I hear 'em sayin', oh, yeah...
=== DHBIM Version ===
===DHBIM Version===
(It's a boy in a muumuu)
(It's a boy in a muumuu)<br>
Well I'm about to get sick<br />
Well I'm about to get sick<br>
From watchin' MTV<br />
From watchin' MTV<br>
I been checkin' out the HO HO HO!<br />
I been checkin' out the HO HO HO!<br>
Until my eyeballs fail to see<br />
Until my eyeballs fail to see<br>
I mean to say that every day<br />
I mean to say that every day<br>
Is just another rotten group<br />
Is just another rotten group<br>
(Right you are, girl)<br />
(Right you are, girl)<br>
And when it's gonna change, my friend<br />
And when it's gonna change, my friend<br>
Will probably make you stoop, I don't know<br />
Will probably make you stoop, I don't know<br>
So I'm<br />
So I'm<br>
Watchin' and I'm waitin'<br />
Watchin' and I'm waitin'<br>
Hopin' for the best<br />
Hopin' for the best<br>
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br />
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br>
Every time I hear 'em sayin'<br />
Every time I hear 'em sayin'<br>
(Oh no!)<br />
(Oh no!)<br>
There's no way to delay<br />
There's no way to delay<br>
That trouble comin' every day<br />
That trouble comin' every day<br>
There's no way to delay<br />
There's no way to delay<br>
That trouble comin' every day
That trouble comin' every day<br>
Wednesday I watched the riot<br />
Wednesday I watched the riot<br>
I seen those cops out on the street<br />
I seen those cops out on the street<br>
I watched 'em throwin' rocks & stuff & chokin'<br />
I watched 'em throwin' rocks & stuff & chokin'<br>
In the heat<br />
In the heat<br>
I listen to reports<br />
I listen to reports<br>
(Oh, we gotta . . . )<br />
(Oh, we gotta . . . )<br>
'Bout the whisky passin' around<br />
'Bout the whisky passin' around<br>
(Sho' nuff . . . don'tcha!)<br />
(Sho' nuff . . . don'tcha!)<br>
I seen the smoke & fire<br />
I seen the smoke & fire<br>
And the market burnin' down<br />
And the market burnin' down<br>
Watched while everybody<br />
Watched while everybody<br>
On his street would HA HA HA!<br />
On his street would HA HA HA!<br>
To stomp & smash & bash & crash & slash & bust & burn<br />
To stomp & smash & bash & crash & slash & bust & burn<br>
And I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'<br />
And I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'<br>
Hopin' for the best<br />
Hopin' for the best<br>
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br />
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br>
Every time I hear 'em sayin'<br />
Every time I hear 'em sayin'<br>
(Oh no!)<br />
(Oh no!)<br>
There's no way to delay<br />
There's no way to delay<br>
That trouble comin' every day<br />
That trouble comin' every day<br>
There's no way to delay<br />
There's no way to delay<br>
That trouble comin' every day
That trouble comin' every day<br>
I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'<br />
I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'<br>
Hopin' for the best<br />
Hopin' for the best<br>
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br />
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br>
Every time I hear 'em sayin'<br />
Every time I hear 'em sayin'<br>
(Oh no!)
(Oh no!)
=== TBBYNHIYL Version ===
==Players On This Song==
Well I'm about to get sick<br />
[[Freak Out!|FREAK OUT!]] version
From watchin' my TV<br />
* [[Biography|Frank Zappa]] - guitar & vocals
Been checkin' out the HO HO HO!<br />
* [[Ray Collins]] - lead vocalist, harmonica, tambourine, finger cymbals, bobby pin & tweezers
Until my eyeballs fail to see<br />
* [[Jimmy Carl Black]] - drums (also sings in some foreign language)
(Oh, my God, it's Tipper!)<br />
* [[Roy Estrada]] - bass & guitarron; boy soprano
I mean to say that every day<br />
* [[Elliot Ingber]] - alternate lead & rhythm guitar with clear white light
Is just another Voodoo Fudge<br />
(Oh, my God . . . )<br />
==Records On Which This Song Has Appeared==
And when it's gonna change, my friend<br />
You fill in the blank right here<br />
* [[Trouble Every Day|Trouble Comin' Every Day]] (05:50) / [[Who Are The Brain Police?|Who Are The Brain Police?]] (03:33) - The Mothers Of Invention (1966)
Well I'm<br />
Watchin' and I'm a--waitin'<br />
Hopin' for the best<br />
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br />
Every time I hear 'em sayin'<br />
(I know they're fresh!)<br />
(I don't know . . . )<br />
There's no way to delay<br />
Those panties comin' every day<br />
No way to delay<br />
Those panties comin' every day
Wednesday I watched Jimmy Swaggart<br />
===Zappa Albums & Side Projects===
Watched him weepin' all over the place<br />
'''[[:Category:Original Albums|Original Albums]]'''
An' I watched him weepin' an' weepin' an' weepin'<br />
*[[Freak Out!]]
And that shit rollin' down his face<br />
*[[The MOFO Project/Object (Fazedooh)|The MOFO Project/Object]] (2006)
(Oh . . . I sinned!)<br />
*[[The MOFO Project/Object (Deluxe Edition)]] (2006)
An' then I watched him weep some more<br />
*[[You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol. 5]]
An' he kept on weepin' again<br />
*[[Roxy & Elsewhere]] as '''More Trouble Every Day'''
(Oh, forgive me, Assembly O' God!)<br />
*[[Does Humor Belong In Music?]]
And they smacked him on his little hand<br />
*[[The Best Band You Never Heard In Your Life]] as '''More Trouble Every Day (Swaggart Version)'''
And he went out makin' more money<br />
'''[[:Category:Beat The Boots|Beat The Boots]]'''
UH-OH!<br />
*[[Electric Aunt Jemima (BTB)]]
I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'<br />
*[[Unmitigated Audacity (BTB)]] as '''More Trouble Every Day'''
Hopin' for the best<br />
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br />
*[[Strictly Commercial]] contains the [[Freak Out!]] version
(Jay-zus!)<br />
*[[Understanding America]]
Every time I hear 'em sayin'<br />
'''[[:Category:Unauthorized Compilations|Unauthorized Compilations]]'''
(I have seen the path!)<br />
There's no way to delay<br />
'''[[:Category:Samplers And Promos|Samplers And Promos]]'''
That trouble comin' every day<br />
No way to delay<br />
'''[[:Category:Special Editions|Special Editions]]'''
That trouble comin' every day
===Tribute & Cover Albums===
*[[Sheik Yerbouti (The Band)|Sheik Yerbouti]]: [[Insanity Sauce]]
===Bootleg Recordings===
*[[Bubble Cream Cheese]] in '''Trouble Every Day / Any Downers (Inst.)'''
*[[What's New In Loreley?]] in '''Trouble Every Day / Penguin In Bondage'''
==Notes About This Song==
FZ liner notes on "[[Freak Out!]]" (1966): "'[[Trouble Every Day]]' is how I feel about racial unrest in general and the [[Wikipedia:Watts riots|Watts]] situation in particular. It was written during the Watts riot as it developed. I shopped it briefly all over Hollywood but no one would touch it... everybody worries so much about not getting any air play. My, my."
Forgive me!<br />
Oh, Jesus, I just stuck the tip in! Oh my God!
I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'<br />
This song appears as "[[Trouble Every Day|Trouble comin' every day]]" on the first LP versions of "Freak Out !"
Hopin' for the best<br />
Even think I'll go to prayin'<br />
Every time I hear 'em sayin', oh, yeah . . . (oh, no . . . )
== Players On This Song ==
===Other variations===
[[More Trouble Every Day (Swaggart Version)|More Trouble Every Day]] ([[Jimmy Swaggart|Swaggart]] Version) from [[The Best Band You Never Heard In Your Life]]
== Albums In Which This Song Has Appeared ==
==CC Clues In This Song==
*[[You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol. 5]]
*[[Roxy & Elsewhere]]
*[[Does Humor Belong In Music?]]
*[[The Best Band You Never Heard In Your Life]]
== Notes About This Song ==
* Mentions the "[[Great Society]]".
* [["Blow your harmonica, son!"]] - Famous [[Lightnin' Slim]] order to a harmonica player.
== CC Clues In This Song ==

Latest revision as of 11:35, 28 October 2021


Freak Out! Version

Well I'm about to get sick
From watchin' my TV
Been checkin' out the news
Until my eyeballs fail to see
I mean to say that every day
Is just another rotten mess
And when it's gonna change, my friend
Is anybody's guess

So I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'
Hopin' for the best
Even think I'll go to prayin'
Every time I hear 'em sayin'
That there's no way to delay
That trouble comin' every day
No way to delay
That trouble comin' every day

Wednesday I watched the riot . . .
Seen the cops out on the street
Watched 'em throwin' rocks and stuff
And chokin' in the heat
Listened to reports
About the whisky passin' 'round
Seen the smoke and fire
And the market burnin' down
Watched while everybody
On his street would take a turn
To stomp and smash and bash and crash
And slash and bust and burn

And I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'
Hopin' for the best
Even think I'll go to prayin'
Every time I hear 'em sayin'
That there's no way to delay
That trouble comin' every day
No way to delay
That trouble comin' every day

Well, you can cool it,
You can heat it . . .
'Cause, baby, I don't need it . . .
Take your TV tube and eat it
'N all that phony stuff on sports
'N all the unconfirmed reports
You know I watched that rotten box
Until my head begin to hurt
From checkin' out the way
The newsman say they get the dirt
Before the guys on channel so-and-so

And further they assert
That any show they'll interrupt
To bring you news if it comes up
They say that if the place blows up
They will be the first to tell,
Because the boys they got downtown
Are workin' hard and doin' swell,
And if anybody gets the news
Before it hits the street,
They say that no one blabs it faster
Their coverage can't be beat

And if another woman driver
Gets machine-gunned from her seat
They'll send some joker with a brownie
And you'll see it all complete

So I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'
Hopin' for the best
Even think I'll go to prayin'
Every time I hear 'em sayin'
That there's no way to delay
That trouble comin' every day
No way to delay
That trouble comin' every day

Hey, you know something people?
I'm not black
But there's a whole lots a times
I wish I could say I'm not white

Well, I seen the fires burnin'
And the local people turnin'
On the merchants and the shops
Who used to sell their brooms and mops
And every other household item
Watched the mob just turn and bite 'em
And they say it served 'em right
Because a few of them are white,
And it's the same across the nation
Black and white discrimination
Yellin' "You can't understand me!"
'N all that other jazz they hand me
In the papers and TV and
All that mass stupidity
That seems to grow more every day
Each time you hear some nitwit say
He wants to go and do you in
Because the color of your skin
Just don't appeal to him
(No matter if it's black or white)
Because he's out for blood tonight

You know we got to sit around at home
And watch this thing begin
But I bet there won't be many live
To see it really end
'Cause the fire in the street
Ain't like the fire in the heart
And in the eyes of all these people
Don't you know that this could start
On any street in any town
In any state if any clown
Decides that now's the time to fight
For some ideal he thinks is right
And if a million more agree
There ain't no Great Society
As it applies to you and me
Our country isn't free
And the law refuses to see
If all that you can ever be
Is just a lousy janitor
Unless your uncle owns a store
You know that five in every four
Just won't amount to nothin' more
Gonna watch the rats go across the floor
And make up songs about being poor

Blow your harmonica, son!

YCDTOSA 5 Version

Well I'm about to get sick
From watchin' my TV
Been checkin' out the news
Until my eyeballs fail to see
I mean to say that every day
Is just another rotten mess
And when it's gonna change, my friend
Is anybody's guess

So I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'
Hopin' for the best
Even think I'll go to prayin'
Every time I hear 'em sayin'
That there's no way to delay
That trouble comin' every day
No way to delay
That trouble comin' every day

Wednesday I watched the riot . . .
I seen the cops out on the street
Watched 'em throwin' rocks and stuff
And chokin' in the heat
Listened to reports
About the whisky passin' 'round
Seen the smoke and fire
And the market burnin' down
Watched while everybody
On his street would take a turn
To stomp and smash and bash and crash
And slash and bust and burn

And I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'
Hopin' for the best
Even think I'll go to prayin'
Every time I hear 'em sayin'
That there's no way to delay
That trouble comin' every day
No way to delay
That trouble comin' every day

You can cool it,
You can heat it . . .
'Cause, baby, I don't need it . . .
Take your TV tube and eat it
'N all that phony stuff on sports
'N all those unconfirmed reports
You know I watched that rotten box
Until my head begin to hurt
From checkin' out the way
The newsman say they get the dirt
Before the guys on channel so-and-so

And further they assert
That any show they'll interrupt
To bring you news if it comes up
They say that if the place blows up
They will be the first to tell,
Because the boys they got downtown
Are workin' hard and doin' swell,
And if anybody gets the news
Before it hits the street,
They say that no one blabs it faster
Their coverage can't be beat

And if another woman driver
Gets machine-gunned from her seat
They'll send some joker with a brownie
And you'll see it all complete

So I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'
Hopin' for the best
Even think I'll go to prayin'
Every time I hear 'em sayin'
That there's no way to delay
That trouble comin' every day
No way to delay
That trouble comin' every day

Well, I seen the fires burnin'
And the local people turnin'
On the merchants and the shops
Who used to sell their brooms and mops
And every other household item
Watched the mob just turn and bite 'em
And they say it served 'em right
Because a few of them were white,
And it's the same across the nation
Black and white discrimination
Yellin' "You can't understand me!"
'N all that other crap they hand me
In the papers and TV and
All that mass stupidity
That seems to grow more every day
Each time you hear some asshole say
He wants to go and do you in
Because the color of your skin
Just don't appeal to him
(No matter if it's black or white)
Because he's out for blood tonight

Roxy & Elsewhere Version

Well I'm about to get sick
From watchin' my TV
Been checkin' out the news
Till my eyeballs fail to see
I mean to say that every day
Is just another rotten mess
(Sure 'nuff!)
And when it's gonna change, my friend
Is anybody's guess (Well!) (Woa!)
So I'm
Watchin' and I'm a--waitin'
I'm hopin' for the best
Even think I'll go to prayin'
Every time I hear 'em sayin'
There's no way to delay
That trouble comin' every day
There's no way to delay
That trouble comin' every day

Wednesday I watched the riot
I seen the cops out on the street
I watched 'em throwin' rocks & stuff & chokin'
In the heat
I listen to reports
'Bout the whisky passin' around
I seen the smoke & fire
And the market burnin' down
I watched while everybody
On his street would take a turn
To stomp & smash & bash & crash & slash & bust & burn
I'm a--watchin' and I'm a--waitin'
But I'm hopin' for the best
Even think I'll go to prayin'
Every time I hear 'em sayin'
There's no way to delay
That trouble comin' every day
There's no way to delay
That trouble comin' every day

Watchin' and I'm a--waitin'
I'm hopin' for the best
Even think I'll go to prayin'
Every time I hear 'em sayin', oh, yeah...

DHBIM Version

(It's a boy in a muumuu)

Well I'm about to get sick
From watchin' MTV
I been checkin' out the HO HO HO!
Until my eyeballs fail to see
I mean to say that every day
Is just another rotten group
(Right you are, girl)
And when it's gonna change, my friend
Will probably make you stoop, I don't know
So I'm
Watchin' and I'm waitin'
Hopin' for the best
Even think I'll go to prayin'
Every time I hear 'em sayin'
(Oh no!)
There's no way to delay
That trouble comin' every day
There's no way to delay
That trouble comin' every day

Wednesday I watched the riot
I seen those cops out on the street
I watched 'em throwin' rocks & stuff & chokin'
In the heat
I listen to reports
(Oh, we gotta . . . )
'Bout the whisky passin' around
(Sho' nuff . . . don'tcha!)
I seen the smoke & fire
And the market burnin' down
Watched while everybody
On his street would HA HA HA!
To stomp & smash & bash & crash & slash & bust & burn
And I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'
Hopin' for the best
Even think I'll go to prayin'
Every time I hear 'em sayin'
(Oh no!)
There's no way to delay
That trouble comin' every day
There's no way to delay
That trouble comin' every day

I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'
Hopin' for the best
Even think I'll go to prayin'
Every time I hear 'em sayin'
(Oh no!)

Players On This Song

FREAK OUT! version

Records On Which This Song Has Appeared


Zappa Albums & Side Projects

Original Albums

Beat The Boots


Unauthorized Compilations
Samplers And Promos
Special Editions

Tribute & Cover Albums

Bootleg Recordings

Notes About This Song

FZ liner notes on "Freak Out!" (1966): "'Trouble Every Day' is how I feel about racial unrest in general and the Watts situation in particular. It was written during the Watts riot as it developed. I shopped it briefly all over Hollywood but no one would touch it... everybody worries so much about not getting any air play. My, my."

This song appears as "Trouble comin' every day" on the first LP versions of "Freak Out !"

Other variations

More Trouble Every Day (Swaggart Version) from The Best Band You Never Heard In Your Life

CC Clues In This Song