When it feels natural...

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FZ: Anyway, that's quite a bit of, uh, drawing. And if I get a chance to write those parts out before the next time we get together, which should be Sunday, Sunday evening. What time is your [...] on Sunday?

?: Two to six.

FZ: Two to six? Can you make it, uh, seven o'clock on Sunday?

?: Sure.

FZ: Will you be back by that time?

Aynsley: I don't know exactly what time I get in.

FZ: Unnh.

?: I can't make it till nine-thirty at— nine-thirty.

FZ: Nine-thirty?

Aynsley: Why don't you make it about nine then, nine-thirty?

FZ: Okay.

Aynsley: That way then, I'll definitely be back and [...] I'll be restored.

FZ: All right. Nine-thirty, then, on Sunday.


FZ: Okay.


FZ: Come back [...]

FZ: I'll tell you what the story is on the recording of this material. I don't want to take it into the studio until you can play all that stuff from memory and it feels natural to do the stuff. That's the reason I'm going about it this way rather than just lay charts in front of everybody . . .

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