
From Zappa Wiki Jawaka
Revision as of 13:50, 15 April 2005 by Emdebe (talk | contribs)
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Release Info

Released November 1984


Disc One

Disc Two


Frank Zappa (guitar, synclavier), Steve Vai (guitar), Ray White (guitar), Tommy Mars (keyboards), Chuck Wild (broadway piano), Arthur Barrow (bass), Scott Thunes (bass), Jay Anderson (string bass), Ed Mann (percussion), Chad Wackerman (drums), Steve De Furia (synclavier programmer), David Ocker (synclavier programmer)


The main character was named to recall the stereotypically black Kingfish from the old Amos & Andy radio show.

In the plot, Thing-Fish has been deformed by the government’s biochemical warfare against gays and minorities as part of the right-wing plan to cry “divine retribution” (a’la Frank’s theory about how Republicans started AIDS via religious missionaries’ vaccinating of overseas primitives). The resulting “fear of God” helps value-preaching conservatives get elected, and also allows them to return favors to religious groups and televangelists who’ve donated campaign funds (cf. “Heavenly Bank Account” on You Are What You Is).

Conceptual Continuity
