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FZ: Howdy folks. All right folks, I'd like to introduce the members of our rocking teenage combo to you at this time. Bruce Fowler on trombone. Napoleon Murphy Brock on tenor sax and lead vocals. Ruth Underwood on vibes, marimba, bongos, timpani, bass drum, big gong, and little gong. On drums, Chester Thompson. On drums, Ralph Humphrey. On bass, Tom Fowler. On guitar and pajamas, Jeff Simmons. On keyboards, George Duke. All right, we're going to open up with a song called "Village Of The Sun," which winds its way into another song called "Excentrifugal Forz" and then makes its way into another song called "Don't You Ever Wash That Thing?" and then goes crazy somewhere. Okay, ready?1, 2, 3, 4.


Apostrophe (') 50th Anniversary Edition