I go out there and give ‘em everything that I can…

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"FZ: I go out there and give 'em everything that I can because I know they need to be entertained. They need to have a good time and I'm, if I can give them a good time I'm gonna do it and I expect the same thing from the members of the band. That's why I complain if they use drugs because it puts them in a situation where they're not only exposed to legal action, like somebody could cart them away, and suddenly in the middle of a tour I've got to replace a drummer or a piano player or something like that. That ruins the show, but it also makes it more difficult for them to perform the material properly. Don't just go up there and jam. You have to learn what you're doing. You have to memorize it and you are prepared to deliver those performances of those songs in the most adverse circumstances. Being in this band is like being in the Commandos. Your job is to go out and blow up the bridge. That's what it's all about, and I tell them that when they come in and some guys still fool around and think 'Frank won't find out', but, you know, they lose their jobs.
