Get The Makeup

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Pornographer: OK Karen, make love to the camera, make love to the camera, now spread. Spread. Let's see some tongue. More. More more more more more more. Now spread the cheeks. Spread the cheeks. Good, good. Wait a minute, hold that. Get the makeup; redo her lips, they're all wrong. No, not those idiot, yes. Good, OK. Is she wet enough? OK. Now, bring in the guy—where is he? Yeah you, horse, c'mere. Alright, a little harder please, uh with the. OK. Now, bring it into the frame. OK. Is it in the frame? Bring it in the frame. Karen are you ready? OK Chuck, go to work. Come on Karen, let's. Yes, yeah. Right, you want it, you want it, it's, it's the look on the face, the tears are running down your eyes, are you. Yes, that's it, that. Wonderful. Come on horse, come on let's pump it. Come on buddy. Come on, giddy up there boy. Yeah, there we go, there we go, that's it. Now we got—Are we getting all of this now? Get it, get it, come on, come on, they're doing it, they're not going to do it all day. C'mon, come. Oh there we go. You want some more crack? Give the guy some more crack there. Good, there we go. Give him a sugar cube, we need a, a carrot, whatever this guy wants, c'mon. There we go, there we go. Beautiful, beautiful, oh this is wonderful. This is. oh, I've never. This is art, this is wonderful. Karen, I've never seen you so beautiful. You're lovely, lovely. Oh, what, I'm. oh I'm coming myself. I'm coming myself.
