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PIXIES [10-12 / 15º-60º] is one of the constellations in the "One Size Fits All" (1975) "universe"; it has the following stars: "Ed Ruscha", "Laura", "Borscht", "Baleen", and "Sperm".

PIXIES refers to Pyxis, named by Abbé Nicolas Louis de Lacaille. It was originally called Malus (the Mast), but de Lacaille's technophilia forced him to change it to the Compass. Pyxis was originally part of the large constellation Argo Navis. When the International Astronomical Union officially defined the 88 constellations and their boundaries, they split Argo Navis into 4 parts: Carina (the keel), Vela (the sail), Puppis (the poop), and Pyxis (the compass). Pam Eastlick has contributed a great description of Argo Navis and its associated constellations as seen from Guam.

Well done Pam!

He cuts and pastes but we learn nothing relevent.