Wall Street Journal

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The Wall Street Journal is a business-focused daily New York-based newspaper that was founded in 1889. It is considered a "newspaper of record" on business/financial subjects, not so much on political or scientific issues.

WSJ and Zappa

  • From Tom Wilson (The Track): "Well, Tom was a great guy. Uh, he had a fascinating ability to read The Wall Street Journal, have a blonde sitting on his lap and tell the engineer to add more compression to the vocal all at the same time."
  • From the article Das Capitalist: "I wish I had a collection of every Wall Street Journal article I've read that said 'Can Gorbachev Hold on to Power?' or 'He's going out this time,' trying to come up with names of guys breathing down his neck. It's like SCRAPING THE BOTTOM OF THE COLD WAR BARREL to create this impression that it's all going to evaporate overnight."
