Igor Stravinsky

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Born: June 17, 1882. Oranienbaum, Russia

Died: April 6, 1971. New York, NY

Mentioned in "My Favorite Records", an FZ penned article in Hit Parader (1967): "Also, buy everything that you can by Igor Stravinsky and dance to it - especially "L'Histoire Du Soldat", which means "Soldier's Tale", and the "Agon" ballet, which is a beautiful thing."

Also mentioned during "Star Special", FZ as a guest DJ on BBC Radio 1 in 1980.

"The Royal March From 'L'Histoire Du Soldat'" and "The Rite of Spring" were 2 of the 10 records FZ selected (in 1989) for the American radio show Castaway's Choice, hosted by John McNally.