Frank Zappa - The Negative Dialectics Of Poodle Play

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Ben Watson, Quartet Books 1994 - ISBN 0-7043-0242-X

Bookcover endorsements:

"This is no less than a frontal assault on authoritarian capitalism from the perspective of Zappology...(It) is stocked with genuine insights and his case for Zappa as a hero of the avant garde - a force to challenge any reigning cultural or political assumptions - is ably made --Independent on Sunday"

"A book which cites Pamela Des Barres's I'm with the Band as often as it does Adorno is truly unique and...fucking essential -- Nick Terry The Lizard"

"Like a dementia-seeking missile, it will pursue hard-core Zappaphiles wherever they hide. However, they can console themselves with the thought that, while they may be twisted enough to read a book like this, at least they weren't twisted enough to write it -- Charles Shaar Murray New Statesman"

"This book is a perfect match for it s subject: overblown, a work of obsession and adoration, but with much criticism of a intelligence rare in rock music writing -- The Observer"