Back In Control

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An "entity" recommended by Tipper Gore in her book Raising PG Kids in an X-Rated Society. Their function was to "remodel" kids to make them "acceptable" to their parents again.

From the "Back in Control" section of the "Porn Wars" chapter of The Real Frank Zappa Book:

If you think that your child is showing signs of becoming a punker or a heavy metaler, this "entity", and others scattered around the United States, will depunk or demetalize your child (leaving you free to go sportfishing.) Parents who find themselves baffled by the arcane behavior of "today's young people" can now just ship the little buggers off to psycho-camp.

The pamphlet includes a section on 'symbols' which indicate 'the possibility' of satanic or demonic behavior. One of the symbols was the Star of David. The Back in Control people said they saw the Star of David on an Ozzy Osbourne album. What a jokester that Ozzy is! (I understand they have been forced to modify that section of the pamphlet.)

For some reason, they don't like me very much. I got hold of a letter written by the head guy, putting me in the same category as Joseph Goebbels and Senator Joseph McCarthy - claiming I was using THE BIG LIE technique against them.