The Way The Air Smells...

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Bill Harrington: My name is Bill Harrington, I do the keyboards on stage left, and buy the occasional speaking toy for Frank when he looks depressed.


Bill Harrington: I got the car in Toronto. It's, uh, from a little toy store, and it was given to us by an Italian girl who donated it for free, once I confirmed her suspicion that Frank was indeed a true Italian.

John Smothers: . . . put your hands through there.
FZ: You know, the important thing about this instrument is the way the air smells when it comes out of these holes . . .

Roy: Ooofff! Did you smell that before?

Because . . .
I never thought . . .

O'Hearn: Well, don't be ashamed

Moire?: Smell it . . .

Roy: Let me just do this because I have to uh . . . you're a nice looking girl. Oh, don't go down on me. Not yet, please. I just wanna talk. Can't you wait? Can I put this on you for a while? You know, it's something that I've always wanted to. Let me sit you up here. Oh wait. Let me give you a bath. Will you take a bath with me first? And then I'll, uh . . . Let me put this [...] and just give you a bath. See how nice I was? Sit up there. Let me put this on you. [...] gas mask. You look nice. I love you so much. You know I'm gonna go down and sing. I'm gonna dance, oh God. Lemme . . . What'd you say? Oh, let me put this on there, come on. Real nice. You don't want it on? Don't open your mouth, I'm not even doing nothing to you yet. You want this in your mouth? Come on. Push it in. Push it in. Oh, excuse me. Are you a little girl? You're just a little wunky gunky?

I'm a moron 'n this is my wife
She's frosting a cake
With a paper knife
All what we got here's
American made
It's a little bit cheesey,
But it's nicely displayed
Well we don't get excited when it
Crumbles 'n breaks
We just get on the phone
And call up some Flakes
They rush on over
'N wreck it some more
'N we are so dumb
They're linin' up at our door
Well, the toilet went crazy
Yesterday afternoon
The plumber he says
"Never flush a tampoon!"
This great information
Cost me half a week's pay
And the toilet blew up
Later on the next day ay-eee-ay
Yeah ay-eee-ay
Yeah ay-eee-ay
Yeah ay-eee-ay
Blew up the next day

Girl in the audience: Oh, I love you, are ya kidding me, man? I waited so many years to come here and be here . . . I love you!


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