Talk:The Toilet Poster
"Almost throughout his career questions about these posters and a "shit-eating contest" on stage turned up during interviews, impeding his acceptance in the world of "serious" music." - any sources to support this claim?
Duncan 07:57, 6 November 2007 (PST)
Duncan 08:03, 6 November 2007 (PST)
I totally agree with you, Duncan. I was aware that "... impeding his acceptance ..." is kind of personal, subjective. I dared to write and publish this thought because I don't expect anyone to admit that he was turning down Fz when promoting or not one of his serious records, when writing or not a favorable article, shelling out the extra money for more rehearsals, when taking the time to listen into music a little bit beyond the ordinary sex-drugs-rock and roll short seconds and decide that maybe one was wrong with labelling FZ as shit-eater or groupie-fucking axe-slinger, you know what I mean. All these decisions were mostly done on a personal level if one boils it down ... so I only tried to counter these once unfair decisions that too were made on a personal, subjective level.
I used the word "impeding" as a soft expression knowing there would be no hard proof by some witness or protagonist from the world of serious music. ... maybe there are hints in the protocol when FZ sued the Royal Albert Hall for breach of contract (?)
Propellerkuh 23:30 EST, 07_11_06
Thanks, Duncan. It's one of my reccuring faults not to see the obvious. Of course it is necessary to wikify "Jugenstil".
- Propellerkuh 20:23, 15 November 2007 (PST)