Reverend Hymers
Robert L. Hymers Jr. is a American baptist evangelist. He gained controversy in the 1980s for his fanatic views against abortion, during which he led prayers wishing for the death of pro-choice judge William J. Brennan, a member of the U.S. Supreme Court. He also led an active campaign to ban the film The Last Temptation Of Christ (1988) for blasphemy. Later in life Hymers would express public regret for these actions.
Zappa about Hymers
"I don't think prayer in its truest sense is anything to scoff at, but the sad fact is that people are being manipulated, and their energy -- their life force -- is being usurped and used for the personal benefit of the Video Energy Vampire who leads them in 'prayer.' This is the essence of televangelism. At its worst, it can lead to a suggestion that the whole congregation pray for the death of a Supreme Court justice. Reverend Hymers (the guy who led the protest against "The Last Temptation Of Christ") actually did this. He suggested that his followers wish the death of a certain justice because of his views on abortion." - Zappa, quoted in The Real Frank Zappa Book.