Prazský Výber

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On 6/24/1991, Frank Zappa played guitar as a musical guest with the band Pražský Výběr (The Prague Selects) in Prague, Czechoslovakia, for a concert called "Adieu C.A." (which translates as "Goodbye Soviet Army"), celebrating the removal of Soviet troops from the Czechoslovak territory. FZ plays guitar on "Improvizace v A dur", where he exchanges guitar solos with Prazský Výber's guitarist Michael Pavlicek. Members of Prazský Výber for this concert were: Michael Kocab - vocals, keyboards, trumpet / Michal Pavlicek - guitar / Vilem Cok - bass guitar, vocals / David Koller - drums / Stanislav Jelinek - guitar / Franta Honig - percussion / Milo Vacik - percussion / Ladislav Faktor - keyboards / and The Roucek Brass Band. Parts of this concert, including Zappa's performance, were released on album.

Prazský Výber - "Adieu CA" (CD, Hungary Art Production K 0001-2311, March 3, 1992)