The hippie movement was a large musical and social subculture which was very popular from 1965 until about 1974. Hippies were visually recognizable by their long hair and anti-establishment attitude.[1] They supported love and peace and wore flowers in their hair as a symbol of their peace loving nature.
- The Adventures Of Greggery Peccary: "A trend monger is a person who dreams up a trend like the twist... or flower power."
- For Calvin (And His Next Two Hitch-Hikers) was inspired by two mysterious stoned hippies who once rode along with Cal Schenkel.
- Honey Don't You Want A Man Like Me: "They saw a real hippie who delivered their dinner."
- Strictly Genteel (The Track): "Lord have mercy on the hippies and faggots"
- This Is Phase III: "It's going to turn into another Haight-Ashbury. Remember how we commercialized on that scene?"
- Wino Man - With Dr. John Routine: "We take all the stamped-out hippies way down the bayou"
- The entire album We're Only In It For The Money is a sarcastic attack on flower power and the hippie movement. Especially the songs Who Needs The Peace Corps?, Absolutely Free (The Track), Flower Punk,[1] and Mother People.
Frank Zappa about hippies
"I was never a hippie. Always a freak, but never a hippie." - Frank Zappa in Mother In Lore.
"I think that what they do is a definite indication of their inability to love, because the whole hippie scene is wishful thinking. They wish they could love but they're full of shit, and they're kidding themselves into saying, "I love! I love! I love!" And the more times they say it, the more times they think they love. But like it doesn't work, and most of them don't have the guts to admit to themselves that it's a lie." - Frank Zappa in Frank Kofsky interviews FZ.