Guy Mortier

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Marc Didden, Frank Zappa and Guy Mortier, 15 November 1973. Photo credits: Herman Selleslags.

Guy Mortier (March 24, 1943) is a Belgian journalist, best known as former chief editor of the Flemish magazine Humo.

Mortier was chief editor of Humo from 1969 until 2003. He gave the magazine a humorous touch and spent a lot of attention to rock music. Mortier bears a physical resemblance to Frank Zappa (long black hair, moustache, goatee), which has been a running gag in Humo for decades. Unsurprisingly, Mortier himself is a huge Zappa fan. When asked to talk about his favorite musical artists for a radio show he said: "Some of my musical heroes would take too much explanation. Frank Zappa, for instance, who has meant a lot to me. I cannot explain that man's genius in less than a quarter of an hour." [1]

On 15 November 1973, when Marc Didden interviewed Zappa for HUMO (Humo Spoke With Zappa!) in Brussels, Guy Mortier was present in the same room.


Marc Didden: "Right. One more question: Don't you find it to be annoying to be mistaken for Guy Mortier all the time?"
Frank Zappa: "Aahh, the toll of fame my friend, nothing you can do against that."

Marc DIDDEN, Humo Spoke With Zappa!, Humo November 15, 1973


  1. JANSEN, Noud, Interview with Guy Mortier, Humo 3750, page 71, July 17, 2012.

See also