The Fanzine Questionnaire
The 1966 Fanzine Questionnaire
What is your full name?
Francis Vincent Zappa, Jr. II (the second means junior which means I have the same name as my father.)
Where and when were you born?
December 21, 1940 on Baltimore. Maryland.
How tall are you, what do you weigh, what is your coloring?
Six foot tall and 135 pounds. Doce grey complexion, jet black hair, jet brown eyes, jet pink gums – the rest all matches.
Do you have brothers and sisters?
Yes. A sister named Candy, and two brothers – Carl and Bobby. They all lived.
Where do you live?
I live in the middle of a great hallucinogenic wasteland – Laurel Canyon – on one of the hot streets with the rest of the stars ... lotsa action, having a wonderful time, wish you were here.
What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
I like snappy sports ensemble – something neutral and easy to care for, wash'n'wear mostly.
What is your conception of your Dream Girl?
She is an attractive pariah, with an IQ well over 228, with complete mastery of Brer Rabbit, any five Indian Cookbooks, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Pat Butram story (she gotta know all the words to the album!); no interest whatsoever in any way in sports, sunshine, deodorant, lipstick, chewing gum, carbon tetrachloride, television, ice cream ... none of that stuff! In short – a wholesome young underground morsel open to suggestion.
PS. I don't even care if she shaves her legs. Just about anybody will do if they can dance. I'm not really sure any of this is true. I'll have to check it out a couple of times. Wait! Any girl is all right as long as she doesn't have hair like Bob Dylan, or maybe she could even have that if she knows how to ride a motorcyle. I might even like her better if she can play Stockhausen on the piano – Klavierstücke XII.
Who is your favourite actress?
Ida Lupino.
Who is your favourite actor?
Herman Rudin.
What are yout favourite movies?
The Killer Shrew, The Beast Of Haunted Cave, Wasp Woman, Mothra, Dead Of Night, Freaks, and Alice In Wonderland.
What do you do when you are alone?
I am never alone. I have a house with six dwarfs who take care of me. The dwarfs change from week to week so I don't get bored. But if I ever was alone, I'd probably dance and sing and play my guitar, oh boy, would I! I might sew, I might read, I might draw – I might do all that stuff simultaneously. Maybe someday I will be so rich I can hire people to help me do all those things when I'm alone ... maybe not; I have a lot of fantasies, you see.
Do you have any secret longings?
I long to turn Sunset Boulevard into a parking lot.
Do you ever date fans?
Of course, they are the only ones who like me!
How would you describe your personality?
Infinitely repellent.
What would you like to do on a date?
Well, mostly I just like to hold hands, intimately sharing conversation.
Who are your closest friends?
The ones that are still alive. I keep to myself mostly, jes' me and my pup dog, Po Po – walking alone together all through the canyon, what care I for friends? Seriously now, my friends made me promise if I ever got famous not to tell their names – it might get back to them. Something like that on your record could keep you from getting a Civil Service job.
Where would you like to live if you get married?
What makes you think I'm gonna get married? What makes you think I want to be on any street but this street – where the action is – besides, Po Po likes to roam the hills. Good boy, Po Po.
What are your favourite colours?
Avocado green, yellow orange and robin's-egg blue.
What are your favourite flowers?
Morning glories, honeysuckle.
What is your favourite food?
Shrimp curry.
Who are your favourites in music?
In the old days, back before rock'n'roll was what was hapeing, I used to go for Sacco & Vancetti. And as I grew up I found that it got harder and harder to dance to them – when you get old co-ordination is more difficult. I had to switch my preference, and now all I really like is Gary Lewis and The Playboys!
What has been the biggest thrill of your life?
The day a high official at Columbia Records, in confidence to a close friend, revealed the stunning truth that The Mothers of Invention has no commercial potential.