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[[Ms. Pinky]]
Love or sex dolls appear a few times in Zappa's work.
* ''[[Ms. Pinky]]''
* [[Gay Bob]] and the [[XQJ-37 Pan-Sexual Roto-Plooker]] in ''[[Stick It Out]]'' and ''[[Sy Borg]]''
* ''[[Artificial Rhonda]]''
* The film ''[[Baby Snakes (The Film)|Baby Snakes]]'' introduces Mrs. Pinky's ''"larger sister"'', which is a blow-up doll.
[[Category:Them Or Us (The List)|Love Doll, The]]
[[Category:Them Or Us (The List)|Love Doll, The]]
[[Category:Conceptual Continuity|Love Doll, The]]

Revision as of 15:18, 4 October 2011

Love or sex dolls appear a few times in Zappa's work.