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Revision as of 07:46, 23 August 2012 by Propellerkuh (talk | contribs)
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Hi Complaining about Google When creating a new page Google automatically hijacks my search instead of letting the Zappa Wiki create a new page! Workaround? Greetings!

Hi Propellerkuh,

It is not clear what you are doing.

Try making a new page within double square brackets [[Some New Page]]from an existing page. Hit the Show Preview button and click the red Some New Page (or whatever you called your page) link which should take you to the edit box for the new page.

Duncan 09:45, 19 August 2012 (UTC)

My "search" always leads to Google showing me its precious finds in the usual Google Found List, doesnt create a new page. But I work around it by editing a list of articles, then the new link is red, and when clicking that, it creates a new page :-)

I think I did exactly what you suggest, but Safari and Firefox got a new behavior since last time I added new pages. so wtf

Got it, facepalm, sorry