WZIR, Buffalo

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On a number of occasions FZ donned the mantle of 'Fraudulent DJ', and aired his favorite music selections on radio stations. One such appearance was on radio station WZIR [now WKSE], Buffalo, NY, 25th October, 1980. The playlist promoted ten FZ compositions planned for an album, and concluded with a track from Over-Nite Sensation. The bootleg album Crush All Boxes is believed to be sourced from this broadcast;

FZ as DJ: WZIR, Buffalo, Oct 1980


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  • Society Pages
  • I'm A Beautiful Guy
  • Beauty Knows No Pain
  • Charlie's Enormous Mouth
  • Any Downers?
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  • Doreen
  • Fine Girl
  • Easy Meat
  • Zomby Woof - Over-Nite Sensation