Musik Für Junge Leute

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On a number of occasions FZ donned the mantle of 'Fraudulent DJ', and aired his favorite music selections on radio stations. One such appearance was on radio station NDR, Hamburg, Germany, 16th September, 1974. The show was called "Musik Für Junge Leute";

FZ as DJ: "Musik Für Junge Leute", NDR, Hamburg

During the show FZ promoted and played tracks from Roxy & Elsewhere. In addition, he also aired the following recordings;

  • Octandre - Edgard Varèse
  • Strophe/Antistrophe from Chronochromie - Olivier Messiaen
  • I'm Your Hoochie Coochie Man - Muddy Waters
  • Royal March - Igor Stravinsky (From L'Histoire du Soldat)
  • Five Pieces For Orchestra - Anton Webern


FZ said of Olivier Messiaen, who tutored Boulez and Stockhausen, in an interview with Don Menn in 1982;

"I like Messiaen. Took me a while, but I like that music. He's colorful. But I must admit that the first Messiaen album that I ever got was an Angel recording of Chronochromie, and it baffled the snot out of me. I didn't know what to do with it. I could stay interested for about the first three minutes. I was going, "Whoa, a lot of percussion; that's interesting, but what is this?" It took me years before I could listen to that whole side of the album straight through".