Sal Marquez

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Sal Marquez was a member of The Mothers 'Wazoo', 'Hot Rats', and first 'Discreet' permutations. Marquez provided trumpets, flugel horn, brass, and/or vocal for Waka/Jawaka (for which he also provided the 'idea' for the cover art with the sink, and faucets labeled Hot and Rats), The Grand Wazoo, Over-Nite Sensation, Apostrophe ('), Zoot Allures, You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol. 6, The Lost Episodes, Quaudiophiliac, and Joe's Domage.

In a '94 Musician Magazine article: In '72/'73, The Mothers were still 'starving', so Sal went to Frank and requested a pay increase for the band; and if that weren't possible, per diem so they could eat a little better. Sal Marquez: "Frank just blew up, told me he'd never worked that way and never would; 'and you can just turn in your music too'." Sal claimed to have been very shocked by this reaction, and appeared like he was still dazed by it in the interview.