Project Charter

From Zappa Wiki Jawaka
Revision as of 18:06, 12 December 2005 by Qolyan (talk | contribs)
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Preamble - The Wiki Jawaka Anti-Smut Loyalty Oath

We, the people who contribute to this Wiki Jawaka, do hereby solemnly swear, in accordance with the regulations in this here engagement that we will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of ANY law.

Mission Statement

Wiki Jawaka's ambition is to be nothing less than the ultimate Frank Zappa Resource. Scattered across the web are various extremely valuable sites whose merit lies in narrowing their focus down to one particular aspect of the phenomenon that is FZ. Keywords here are "narrow" and "valuable". WJ's aim is to maintain a broad, kaleidoscopic view, one that encompasses a singular focus on lyrics, or musicians, or tours, or conceptual continuity. The wiki's architecture also allows for constant updating, without the necessity of a Central Scrutinizer (read webmaster). In short, it is a perpetuously ongoing labour of love, the nature of which is basically defined by those who contribute. Ambitious? Hell yeah.


Many guidelines have been posted at the wiki (see Help:Contents). They are mostly technical, yet some of them are essential.

  • Objectivity. The wiki is not the place for overly personal opinion. It is meant to be a work of reference, and as such, articles added will need to adhere to a basic sense of neutrality.
  • Community. The wiki is, in essence, a community of people who have one thing in common: they love the music of FZ. When conflicts arise with regard to articles/categories: remain polite, refrain from the easy insult, communicate, aim for consensus.
  • Responsibility: there is a certain responsibility that comes with creating/editing any given article. This pertains to providing truthful (objective) information. Once again here, the line between objectivity and (subjective) interpretation is a thin one. Try to walk it wisely.

Roles, Membership

In order to contribute to the wiki, you need to sign up for an account first (your email, BTW, will never be used for anything other than internal administrative purposes). There are two types of "roles": that of the sysop (systems operator) and that of the regular member (fondly referred to as "the ant"). The sysop might make decisions that you may not agree with. If the sysop does something you do not agree with, let him know about it -- in a polite way. Remember he is simply trying to steer the ship, is prone to errors, and will more often than not, appreciate your suggestions.


All off-site material is reproduced without any kind of explicit permission from anybody. But, any intrusion on copyrights on material used herein is unintentional. If you feel any material reproduced here is infringing copyright, let us know about it, and we will take appropriate action.

Just to be sure: this pamphlet is licensed under the Free Documentation License; it may be used for informational, non-commercial purposes only. Please note that we don’t get paid to do this. We’re only in it for the music...


Use this pamphlet at your OWN RISK. We are not responsible for any possible spiritual, emotional, physical, financial or any other damage to you, your friends, family, ancestors, or descendants in the past, present, or future, living or dead, in this dimension or any other.

Most importantly, the views and opinions contained herein are, unless otherwise stated, the products of the minds of individual contributors; possibly they are the result of a consensus; possibly not… Possibly they are totally fucked, and they should not be taken for gospel. We don't expect everyone (anyone for that matter) to agree with us, since we don't even always agree with ourselves (try to remember that the world won't end if we don't agree...).

However, the events and suggestions that appear in these pages, are not to be taken lightly. Children with laces in their shoes, should not partake in the reading of these pages. We are not responsible for your actions; upon continuing, you have agreed not to try this at home.

We are quite prone to mistakes and mis-information as is anyone else, and rather than flipping out about our horrible errors in judgment or misleading of the general public, send us a pigeon with any corrections you have, preferably worded in as nice a way as possible. And if you've got something to add, add it, don't bitch about it.


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