Daniel Schorr

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Daniel Schorr (New York City, August 31, 1916 - July 23, 2010) was an American journalist, known for his critical investigative journalism. He won three Emmy Awards for his news reporting, in 1972, 1973 and 1974. Schorr also had a past as a critic of classical music recordings.

In 1971 President Richard Nixon put Schorr on his enemies list. Schorr actually made this list public and was surprised while reading it on live TV to see his own name there. When Schorr met Nixon several years after his illegal investigation, he responded to Schorr's introduction by saying: "Dan Schorr, damn near hired you once!" In 1976 Schor made the secret Pike Committee report on illegal CIA and FBI activities public.

In 1985 Schor became Senior News Analyst at National Public Radio (NPR).

Schorr and Zappa

In 1988 Zappa contacted Schorr to appear in a show suggested by FOX, which Zappa would call Night School. On 10 February 1988 Schorr sang "It Ain't Necessarily So" and "Summertime" (from George Gershwin's Porgy and Bess) live on stage with Zappa's band. Zappa had asked him for help with a voter-registration drive. [1] In They're Doing the Interview of the Century, Part 1 Den Simms said: "You know, that whole Daniel Schorr medley thing, that whole ... y'know, I was there for the rehearsal, and I watched how that rehearsal came together, and for me, personally, watching that rehearsal was one of the best musical experiences I've ever had. Seeing how the whole thing comes together."

Although FOX eventually scrapped the idea of giving Zappa a TV show, mostly because the presence of Schorr, Schorr and Zappa stayed friends afterwards. Schorr delivered the eulogy on National Public Radio after Zappa's untimely death on December 4, 1993; he professed not to understand Zappa's lengthy discourses on music theory, but he found a kindred spirit—a serious man with a commitment to free speech.

(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Daniel Schorr)

The online educational pages of Spartacus say of Schorr:

In 1996, Schorr received the Columbia University Golden Baton for "Exceptional Contributions to Radio and Television Reporting and Commentary." An award that is considered the equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize. Schorr has also been inducted into the Hall of Fame of the Society of Professional Journalists and in 2002, Schorr was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Schorr published his autobiography, Staying Tuned: A Life in Journalism, in 2001. He also writes a regular column for the Christian Science Monitor and published The Idea of a Free Press in 2006.


See Also

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